Thursday, November 29, 2007

a new life.

i've decided to leave colorado. come home, find a job, change my life.
this will be a new and interesting journey.
i'm excited.
missing my friends and kids in colorado.
but God is here and he's promised to take care of me.
so i'll be okay.
not sure what anything will look like yet.
except my new room, which will very soon be green.
also, my niece was born today.
and my dad got a job.
all kinds of exciting things.
we'll see what's next.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


rob bell is amazing. last wednesday, i had the privilege of hearing him speak at a theater in denver. i was encouraged. i was inspired. i left a different person. he spoke about how in ancient times, people worshiped hundreds of gods, and were constantly trying to keep them happy in order to have good lives, making them slaves in essence. and aren't we still worshipping the same gods, only calling them by different names? we are still slaves to tons of things. the past. our guilt. shame. what we are. what we're not. WE DON'T HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THAT. we can live in the freedom of redemption, because it is already finished. we are no longer slaves to anything, but can embrace the salvation which has already happened. and jesus doesn't remember our sins. how great is that? it was an amazing experience. i'm currently reading rob's first book, velvet elvis. if you haven't read it, i highly recommend the experience. also, sex god, and his third which will be coming out in december.

"If it is true, if it is beautiful, if it is honorable, if it is right, then claim it. Because it is from God. And you belong to God."
-Rob Bell