Thursday, September 13, 2007

update on david.

so we found him. and he's struggling. sad to say, he has left the leadtime program, and will not be coming back to colorado. and i am devastated.
things i'm feeling:
hurt that he didn't talk to me about this
sad that he won't be here
worried about his emotional health
anger at the way he chose to deal
i'm hoping he's alright. but he's not ready to talk. so i'm waiting and praying. please pray. thanks.

1 comment:

Melissa Sogavo said...

ohmigosh...that's crazy. is he ok? i'm so sorry jodi. that's really crappy. we are praying for him and you and leadtime! i got your voicemail but now it's too late to call, i am going to bed. bizo started his job today! it's been busy. mom and dad were so glad to hear from you on their anniversary. wish you were here. love you. i will call again soon.