Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Camp is ending on Saturday. I had my exit interview today, as well as our final devo together as Team C's. It was nice to be able to share what I've been learning this summer. God has really been teaching me about trust and patience over the last few months. I came not knowing where I'd be this fall, and God has worked out all the details and plans so that I can have a job, a place to live, and an amazing experience that happens to be exactly what I was looking for. It never ceases to amaze me when God takes care of everything. It's been so good to rest in that peace and grace this summer, knowing he would provide the perfect thing for me. I love that about God. It'll be a crazy transition, driving out Sunday for about 20 hours with my friend from camp who is also doing the LeadTime program. Starting right away with team building...jumping into a new intentional community. But God knows what we need. And I'm trusting he'll provide the rest and processing time we need to do well in this new part of life. I'm excited...nervous...scared...excited. I think it's going to be better than I could ever expect.

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