Tuesday, October 2, 2007


so my church here, flatirons? it's amazing. we've been doing this series about heaven and hell and death and why bad things happen...it's so great. and encouraging. it's really putting things into a larger perspective which is great for someone who can get bogged down in details quickly. the pastor is so real, and he just throws it out there. no sugar coating at all. and it's really striking a chord with some of the girls here. how do you try to explain sin to a girl who's been raped? not an easy task. good thing Jesus is way better at communication than me.
things are generally good. this weekend was tough. there is tension in the house, and the girls have no idea how to do confrontation with love. or confrontation period. times are tough :) but God is good. and faithful. and the breaking down of my soul and my issues in the midst of this ministry is so good when you have Jesus to hold you and carry you through it.
it snowed in the mountains yesterday. beautiful! and i get to snowboard in them a bunch. i am definitely excited. i'm thinking that fall and winter in denver are going to be pretty spectacular...

1 comment:

Melissa Sogavo said...

that was cool to read about your church...i didn't know you were loving it so much... i'm so glad. I love hearing about what God is doing in your life right now sister! when are you going snowboarding?! make a snow angel for me- i'm jealous! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks! Love Lissa