Monday, September 3, 2007


so, this weekend i got to go home to chicago (naperville) to see the fam, and my sister and brother in law who i haven't seen in ten months, and my nephew who i had never met. let me tell you...he is precious. i've never been in love with someone or something that fast before. he smiles and laughs constantly, and everything makes him happy. he's amazing, and we're already best friends. it's been good to come home. strange...i feel older already than when i was last here. but it was good to see people and places. it's taking me awhile to ease into my new job and new life in colorado. part of me doesn't want to let go of camp...because it's safe...because it's great...because i miss the relationships i had there this summer. but i know god has great things in store for this year. i just have to trust him, and let him take care of everything. right? right.

1 comment:

Melissa Sogavo said...

i'm so glad you were home. i'm so glad we talked. i love you. thanks for being in love with alex...i am proud to have him call you AUNT jodi.